父母 & 家庭常见问题



电子邮件: Campus_安全@shuguangprinting.com

地点:1000s. 南方高速公路,



电子邮件: pbacampusstore@bkstr.com

网上购物 或者查看 营业时间 在店内参观!


电子邮件: finaid@shuguangprinting.com


电子邮件: academic_support@shuguangprinting.com


电子邮件: REGISTRAR_@shuguangprinting.com


电子邮件: reslife@shuguangprinting.com


电子邮件: Counseling_Wellness@shuguangprinting.com

访问 在这里 了解更多信息.


电子邮件: Student_Accounts@shuguangprinting.com


电子邮件: Counseling_center@shuguangprinting.com

个小时, 安排约会的说明.


电子邮件: Workship@shuguangprinting.com

请在此查看工作要求 工作方针.



是的, you can trust the quality of peer tutoring sessions because peer tutors are PBA students who have been carefully recommended by faculty and will work closely with the students.

这些会议以小组形式进行, 是免费给PBA学生的吗, 不要要求预约.

PBA学生还可以获得免费的、实时的、在线的辅导支持 导师. Com. 课程全天候开放,主题从数学开始, 科学, 西班牙语, 金融, 会计, 还有其他科目.

所有目前注册的PBA学生每学期通过以下方式获得5小时的免费辅导 导师.Com.

额外的在线辅导时间和/或协助有关在线辅导, 请联系PBA电子学习团队,电话:(561)803-2283或 onlinehelp@shuguangprinting.com.



在PBA,学生的安全是第一位的. The Campus 安全 and Security Office is equipped with resources specifically devoted to ensuring that all students feel safe anyw在这里 on campus, 在白天或晚上的任何时间.

我们的安全人员队伍经过严格的训练, 是由佛罗里达州认证的吗, 并且可以与调度员和巡逻主管进行即时通信.

校园巡逻由安全人员-步行, 骑自行车, 通过有标记的车辆,全天候进行.

在那里 are 22 emergency call boxes located across all areas of campus for students to make on-campus calls and t在这里 is a 911 button that dials directly to the 西推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您 Police Office in cases of extreme emergencies.

校园安全利用包括RaveGuardian在内的技术资源, 安全移动应用, PBA警报系统,用于发送紧急短信和电子邮件, and social media platforms to communicate responsively and rapidly with all students to ensure they are always informed about any safety issues including how to best prepare for a hurricane.


汽车, 摩托车, 自行车/摩托车/摩托车, 滑冰/冲浪老手/旱冰鞋, 以及娱乐和其他类型的车辆可以注册停车贴花.


The 职业发展 Office offers a variety of services ranging from assisting students in choosing a major, 浏览简历和求职信, 帮助学生培养面试技巧, 职业指导和更多. 如需更多资料,请浏览网页 在这里.


申请毕业,学生需要登录 myPBA. 一旦他们到达, students can go to More (on the right corner of the Navigation bar) => Students => 毕业典礼 (listed on the left-hand side). 在那里, they will be able to find information on the deadline to apply for graduation and directions on how to apply.

如有其他问题, please feel free to reach out to our Registrar’s Office at (561) 803-2072 or send us an email at REGISTRAR_@shuguangprinting.com.


列出申请经济援助的具体步骤 在这里.

学生和家长可以参观 FAFSA申请|联邦学生援助


信息rmation regarding your financial aid offers can be found only when students log into their accounts on the 财政援助门户网站. 一旦有, students can click on the Drop-Down Toggle (on the left corner of the page) => 金融援助 Offer.

Students can view both past and present 金融援助 Offers simply by selecting the academic year on the right-hand corner of the page.

FWS is a government program that helps provide part-time employment to students with financial needs.


Students can check their eligibility by using their student ID or contact the 财政援助办事处. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 在这里.

如有其他问题, 请在周一至周五上午8点的办公时间内致电(561)803-2126.m. – 5 p.m.,或发送电子邮件至 finaid@shuguangprinting.com. 你应该在24-48小时内收到回复.


所需表格列于 新生检查表. 请点击 在这里 查阅电子表格及更多资料.

PBA目前启动了一个新的学生远程医疗项目 旗鱼健康 which provides services ranging from medical to mental health care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

旗鱼健康 is a 24/7 medical and mental telehealth program available for all PBA students at no cost at the time of visit!


  • Medical: on-demand access to a medical provider that can treat a wide range of common illnesses like colds, 流感, 鼻窦感染, 过敏等.
  • TalkNow:按需访问心理健康专家,随时与他们谈论任何事情
  • 预约咨询:预约与有执照的咨询师交谈的选项
  • Health Coaching: access to a nutritional specialist to help students adopt healthier lifestyle behaviors related to sleep issues, 体重管理等.

学生可以到 旗鱼健康 使用学生电子邮件地址注册和使用远程医疗服务.

然后,学生们可以从任何能上网的设备(如智能手机)访问, 平板电脑, 移动PC, 或桌面.


旗鱼健康 will virtually assess symptoms and administer frontline care in a contained environment to limit the spread of illness. 他们还会就是否需要进行检测提出建议. 自我隔离,如果需要检测或进一步护理,该去哪里.

推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您要求所有 全日制本科/研究生/晚上/国际/药房 PBA students to possess personal health insurance to help avoid having to interrupt their academic progress due to unexpected medical bills.

如果你有保险,并且在其他计划中有类似的保险, you do not need to purchase the college-sponsored plan; however, 您仍然必须填写并提交 网上保险豁免表格


  • 提供的福利与平价医疗法案(ACA)相当。
  • The plan provides In-patient care and Outpatient care (including office visits and Behavioral Health care) within a 50-mile radius of Campus (if residing in 西推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您 or Orlando). 仅紧急护理的承保范围不满足这一要求. 
  • 该计划为每一种疾病或伤害提供无限的医疗补助. 不包括或限制已存在疾病的保险是 不能接受的.
  • Coverage will remain in effect for all semesters in which students enroll for that academic year.

Students will be AUTOMATICALLY ENROLLED and charged for the student health insurance if they fail to waive the PBA-sponsored plan by September 18th of each academic year.

在你离开PBA之前,你需要做几件事. 请与拉西特学生中心的学生办公室联系,领取退课表. 该表单将包含您完全退出所需的所有信息. (这是来自myPBA,在注册部门页面下).

如有任何其他问题,请给我们的健康 & 请致电(561)803-2576或发送电子邮件至Health_Wellness@shuguangprinting.com.


如有任何关于学习成绩的问题, 学位计划或课程安排, 学生可以访问注册办公室.

Students are required to attend advising sessions specifically designed for their major in order to be cleared for course registration. 如有其他问题, 鼓励学生与指定的学术顾问预约.

学生可以通过登录找到他们指定的学术顾问的名字 myPBA. 一旦登录, students can go to More (on the right corner of the Navigation bar) => Students => 建议 Related Portlets (listed on the left-hand side).

是的. Students should receive emails regarding information of advising sessions as well as their current academic standing based on their earned credits.

学生可以在注册办公室或网上找到退学表格 myPBA. 如果在网上访问表格,学生应该登录到myPBA. They can then go to Students (on the Navigation bar) => 建议 Related Portlets (listed on the left-hand side). 在那里,学生可以找到许多学术形式,包括 退课表格. 表格上附有说明.

在这种情况下,学生可以填写 课程上限覆盖表格. 他们可以通过登录找到这个表单 myPBA, navigating to Students (on the Navigation bar) => 建议 Related Portlets (listed on the left-hand side) => 在那里,学生可以找到许多学术形式,包括 课程上限覆盖表格.

学生须填妥声明书或 更改主修/副修/主修表格 如果他们想改变/放弃目前的主修/副修. 他们也可以通过登录获得此表单 myPBA  => Students (on the Navigation bar) => 建议 Related Portlets (listed on the left-hand side). 在那里,学生可以找到许多学术形式,包括  申报或更改主修/副修/主修表格.

学生被要求填写 课程替代申请表格 如果他们希望用另一门经批准的课程代替目前的课程. 他们可以通过登录找到这个表单 myPBA => Students (on the Navigation bar) => 建议 Related Portlets (listed on the left-hand side). 在那里,学生们可以找到许多学术形式以及 课程替代申请表格.

如有其他问题,请致电(561)803-2072或发送电子邮件至 REGISTRAR_@shuguangprinting.com.


Our residence facilities include suite-style and apartment-style dorms, each with its own charm. 住宿选择包括巴克斯特宿舍, 海岸大厦公寓, 约翰逊大厅, Oceanview大厅, 溜冰者大厅, Weyenberg大厅, 和华生庄园.

访问 在这里 有关每个宿舍的详细信息和 食宿费.

住宿学生可以访问他们的住房信息, 包括他们的大厅, 室友(s), 和用餐计划的任务上 房地产门户网站.

信息rmation regarding meal plans such as what they include and their costs for each semester or year can be found 在这里.

学生可浏览 房地产门户网站 to view meal plan details or request a to change their meal plan in the toggle list on the left corner of the page. 膳食计划只能在每学期开始时更改.

学生可以选择校园内的各种用餐地点,如弗雷泽餐厅, 杰克的咖啡, 菲尔, 爱因斯坦兄弟百吉饼, 和市场

The deadline for housing application varies for each academic year and will be shared in a mandatory Residence Life All Hall Meeting at the end of each semester.

如有其他问题,请致电(561)803-2555或 reslife@shuguangprinting.com.


你的账单每学期都以电子方式生成和发放,可以通过 学生客户中心.

学生和家长可以参观 学生客户中心 然后登录他们的账户,建立付款计划并提交付款.

Monthly payment plans are offered through our partnership with 学费 Management System (TMS) and may be set up by logging into the students’ account through the 学生客户中心 门户网站.


学生只需登录myPBA即可找到校历. 当他们在首页向下滚动时, they will see the 学术 Calendar of the current academic year as well as the past academic years listed.

家长也可以查看校历 在这里.

如有其他问题, please feel free to reach out to our Registrar’s Office at (561) 803-2072 or send us an email at REGISTRAR_@shuguangprinting.com.

学生必须完成 45小时 在一家501(c)3非盈利机构做志愿社区服务, 教堂, 学术学校或美国政府机构每学年. Service that aligns with the Christian commitment and core values of the University will be counted as Workship hours.

请访问 在这里 了解更多信息.

学生每学年必须修满24个教堂学分. 要申请教堂豁免,学生必须登录他们的myPBA帐户. On the Navigation Bar, they can go to 部门 => Chapel. 当他们向下滚动时,他们可以看到一个链接到他们可以下载的PDF版本的表单.